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san diego senior portraits: max.

Thu, July 28, 2011 | seniors

This is what we know about Max after shooting his San Diego Senior Portraits:
1. He’s a super smart guy, graduated early and is on his way to college.
2. He plays the ukulele. And is good at it.
3. He’s got a great smile and sparkly, happy eyes.
4. He knows how to work a camera.
5. He is from Bend, Ore. and loves it there.
6. He loves his “home schooled” t-shirt (so do we!). It’s not exactly his mom’s fave. Sorry, Holly, we had to include one shot!
7. GQ may be calling him after seeing his San Diego Senior Portraits.

Here are some of our favorites 😀

Jesse’s view.

My view.



One Response to “san diego senior portraits: max.”

  1. July 28, 2011 at 8:37 am, Holly Wicklund said:

    Great job! Love them…. 🙂 Holly