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living the dream.

Fri, October 22, 2010 | personal

As you can tell from the photos, we moved. Into an RV! I’d be lying if I said I won’t miss our little Spanish hacienda, but I guess our home will be Casa de Morquecho wherever we go!

It’s been a crazy first year for us. We worked too much; traveled a bunch; and probably didn’t sleep enough. You’d think our reflecting would drive us in the opposite direction! Not sure it has.

Sure, moving into the RV has some definite cons:

1. I’m 5’3″ and have somehow managed to bruise my entire body trying to open the bathroom door, make it through the hallway to the bedroom and simply open drawers…
2. The drawers are a beast to open since they shut EXTRA tight to stay that way when you’re actually using the RV as an RV, on the road.
3. You have to stand on the bed to reach and dig through a dark, deep shelf for clothes you’re 99.9% sure you put up there.
4. That deep, dark shelf is the biggest “closet.”
5. And, the obvious for many, it sits in my in-laws driveway. (Sorry, Pam and Sergio. I love you, but you know what I mean!)

And we just moved in. So, I’m sure there’s more.

But we’re excited for the pros.

1. After packing up/giving away a lot of our things, we feel a bit lighter and more mobile.
2. The rain is crazy loud on the tin roof. We love rain.
3. The kitchen is pretty darn small; I’m not exactly Betty Crocker.
4. Camping will be luxurious.
5. We can save some money for whatever adventure is up next.


And we just moved in! So, who knows what else?!




In 1931, James Adams coined the term “The American Dream.” “Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.” I’ve been reading “Radical” by David Platt. Platt flips that classic phrase on its butt and suggests a grander plan where it’s less about us and more about others. Anyway, as we gear up for whatever is to come (with that in mind), it’s pretty exciting to have my hubby by my side; to have cut out a lot that doesn’t matter; and to continue living the dream.

old living room vs. new living room

old kitchen vs. new kitchen

old bathroom vs. new bathroom

old bedroom vs. new bedroom

old house vs. new house



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