Engagement sessions are a crazy good time! Your shoot will help you get comfortable in front of the camera. And you’ll get beautiful photos for your walls (and Facebook, too)! A few things you might be thinking about…
Where should we have our engagement session?
1. Some place special to you two. Where was your first date? Most memorable date? Blake proposed to Fruzsina on a hike in Big Bear, California.

2. Doing something you love to do together. Tom & Addie spend date days browsing record stores.

3. A pretty/unique/fun/colorful/urban place. Sometimes a field or awesome architecture will do the trick.

There’s pretty & all sorts of awesome in unexpected places. Watch the video to see what we mean by that.
What should we do to get ready?
1. Months before: Hair & makeup.
Your engagement session is a great time to test out hair & makeup for your wedding. It’s not a must, but it’ll help you feel confident in front of the camera. Here are a few industry colleagues we recommend:
Swell Beauty (& makeup)
Andrea Peters (andreapeters@me.com)
Cami Ewing (camiewing@gmail.com)
Meg Wilson (meggles777@gmail.com)
2. Weeks before: Shopping?!
Spending money is definitely not a requirement for awesome engagement photos. But, it’s a good excuse to pick up a few new accessories or go all out with new outfits.
3. Days before: Feel good, look good.
It’s probably not too often that you’ll have professional photos taken with your love. You want them to look good, right!? One little pointer is to avoid salty foods the couple days before your engagement session. It’ll help you from looking puffy. Feeling sort of blah day of the shoot? Get a quick little sweat in. It’ll help you feel fresh-faced & confident 😀
What should we wear?
Watch the video for a few tips!
1. Be YOU. Wear some thing you’re comfortable in and wear something that makes you feel confident (cute, sexy, gorgeous, handsome…you fill in the blank).
2. Color! Too many neutrals tend to be sort of blah. Pops of color (& patterns) make for a little bit of fun & personality in your photos.

3. Dress like you’re going to the same place. If you’re flip-floppy beach bums, awesome! Then both of you should dress the part. If you’re a little more fancy-pants, that’s awesome, too! Both of you should dress the part.

What should we bring?
There’s no need to bring anything but yourselves & some enthusiasm. However, some of our clients have a vision or an idea of a vision. We’ll send you a questionnaire that’ll get you thinking about whether or not you want to bring something other than your fiancé to your engagement session.

Toby & Anna have a game of leaving each other cards with love letters when the other person isn’t looking. So, we had them bring some of those cards with them.

When should we get there?
On time! See this gorgeous warm, glowy light? We schedule shoots based on when we’ll have the prettiest light for your photos. If you’re late, we can’t pull the sun back up! We’ll confirm the date, time & location the week of your engagement session.

What can we expect?
Expect to have some fun quality time together. Expect us to give you some direction. Expect to just be yourselves. Expect to get gorgeous & awesome memories to show your friends & families & hang on your walls!