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creative san diego photographers: meet the robinsons.

Tue, September 06, 2011 | families

Mr. and Mrs. Robinson like to get out with their girls. They love to take walks, go to the park and eat gelato…even at 10 a.m. (no judgment, just appreciation)! So, your favorite Creative San Diego Photographers did just that with this pretty, little fam. We went for a walk, went to the park and then got gelato 😀

Starting things out with one of my faves. LOVE that look of LOVE…the way he’s looking at her.

I can’t give away too many secrets, but this is what your Creative San Diego Photographers call a “pickup.” Jess made it up. I’m pretty sure that word came to mind since outside of photography and scuba diving, football season is on his mind. Maybe he’s practicing lingo for his mantasy football leagues. In any case, this shot below wasn’t planned. I saw something as we were walking to our next spot and shot this. Jess said, “nice pickup.” We pounded fists and carried on. All that to say, it’s one of my faves. Look at them all bathed in that glorious morning light. Not to mention their expressions. Oh, and the pretty fire hydrant.

Hello, beautiful babes!!!

My view.

Jesse’s view. I think he wins this one. Dad is REALLY getting into it. We love that.

Katy, you are so sweet and pretty (proof below). And I give you extra points because you have spunk. I don’t think anyone else has ever called my baby cakes…baby cakes.

Your Creative San Diego Photographers in action 😀



3 Responses to “creative san diego photographers: meet the robinsons.”

  1. September 06, 2011 at 6:39 am, Katy said:

    Edith and I just looked at the pics and we love them!!!! I cannot wait for Brant and Miriam to see them. Thank you thank you thank you!!

  2. September 06, 2011 at 7:46 am, Megan said:

    Oh these are awesome. Love the one with the fam on the blanket! And…now I want gelato and its not even 9am

  3. September 06, 2011 at 8:19 am, Kathi said:

    The pictures are fantastic. How could they be anything but great with such a beautiful family! Awesome!!!!