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San Diego Family Photographers: poor, little punky.

Sun, March 13, 2011 | families

It was time for Katriel’s (aka Punky) 6-month photos and she had an ear infection. Mom thought she might be okay since she was on antibiotics. So, we decided to give it a shot. I have to say, this little girl gave it a good effort! But she just wasn’t having it. Lucky for us, those little, sad faces are pretty stinking adorable, too. We’ll be going back in the next couple weeks to redeem ourselves and get some smiles (I swear we usually don’t make babies cry)! Stay tuned to your San Diego Family Photographers for Punky’s recovery shoot.

For more San Diego Family Photography, go to Limelife Photography.

puppers trying to take a peek at the action.
almost a smile…
my fave.
twinkle toes <3
LOVE the hair!
the only smile she was going to dish up.
uh oh.
the last attempt!



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